Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Creepy Crawly Afternoon

So, I have tried to have a working relationship with spiders...
they work at remaining unseen and I work at not smashing them to smithereens with whatever is handy, even (with much regret) Joann's coupons. BUT, when I am in "the library" and one comes from the baseboard, crawls on my foot, I scream (if no one is home to hear you scream, did it really happen?), and it just crawls back halfway and looks back at me...
Now that I have to replace the broken toilet brush and have used half a gallon of bug killer in one small room, I feel peaceful.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

My New Toy

And...It Works!!!!

It cleaned up with just a dusting wipe and a few tiny touch-ups along the bottom with a brown sharpie!

I love it!

Monday, January 1, 2018

New Things in the New Year

The new changes in our house.
 A new microwave to replace the one from 1988.

 A new TV to replace the 18 year old one.

A new fitness tracker, vivosmart hr, to replace my 3 year old one.

Out with the old, in with the new!

Happy New Year!